
Bayu Muhammad Naufal

Vibrant Rounded Lined Diamond Sparkle
Vibrant Lined Thick Crescent Shape

about me

Hello, I’m Bayu and welcome to my portfolio!

Bachelor of Management graduate with a focus in ​Financial Management and internship experience as a ​Business Portfolio Intern at PT Pupuk Kujang and as a ​Business Development Intern at PT Telkom Indonesia. ​I have a strong interest in becoming a proficient ​professional in the field of Finance.

Love to help business with the ability to learn new ​things quickly, responsibly, and honestly.

educational Level

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Yureka Education Center

Binar Academy

EPLC Kampung Inggris Bandung

Bachelor of Management

Financial Management as a minor

Aug 2019 - Aug 2023

GPA: 3.64 / 4.00

Created Financial Statement

with Microsoft Excel

Jul 2024

Grade: Excellent

Product Management Bootcamp

Jun 2023 - Oct 2023

GPA: 4.6 / 5.0

Speaking Class

Nov 2022 - Jan 2023

Asking Skill: B

Answering Skill: C


PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek

PT Telkom Indonesia

Business Portfolio Intern

Feb 2024 - Aug 2024

Business Development Intern

Mar 2022 - Jul 2022

My experience’s!

Let me share about my experience that gave

a strong foundation to my career journey.

PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek

Business Portfolio Intern


Monitored and evaluated the ​performance of PT Pupuk Kujang ​Indonesia's subsidiaries and affiliates.

Job Description:

  • Prepared management reports and ​analyzed financial statements PT ​Pupuk Kujang subsidiaries and ​affiliates.
  • Conducted business study of issues ​related to PT Pupuk Kujang ​subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • Prepared budget estimates for ​monitoring meetings of PT Pupuk ​Kujang subsidiaries and affiliates


Ms Word, Ms Excel, Google Workspace

Prepared management reports and ​analyzed financial statements from ​the performance of 11 subsidiaries ​and affiliates of PT Pupuk Kujang.

Conducted business study based ​on issues related to PT Pupuk ​Kujang's subsidiaries and affiliates.

Calculated budget estimates for ​monitoring meeting agendas of PT ​Pupuk Kujang's subsidiaries and ​affiliates.

The visuals are for illustration purposes only, as the documents are confidential company information.

PT Telkom Indonesia

Business Development Intern


To leverage market research and ​industry insights to create and ​implement business development ​strategies that align with the ​company's objectives.

Job Description:

  • Conducted business analysis using ​business model canvas, lean ​canvas and customer validation.
  • Coordinate with digital marketing, ​web developer and 3D content ​creator team to achieved objective ​and key result.


Google Workspace, Canva, Zoom.

Created Business Model Canvas with ​Busieness Development team

Validate Customer

Created Lean Canvas with ​Busieness Development team

Discuss with Another Team



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